Squadeasy's Blog %%ICON_BLOG%%

Sport, wellness, environment, CSR, we talk about everything that we care about.

  • Surpassing oneself: a real art

    Going beyond your physical and mental limits, challenging yourself: it's not easy. We are going to give you accessible challenges to surpass yourself!

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  • Strengthening muscles: it's not just Cardio-Training

    We tend to focus on our cardio during our workouts. But strength training is just as important!

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  • Sport among colleagues: a positive chemistry cocktail

    The benefits of running are often referred to as endorphins and adrenaline, but the chemistry of the athlete has even more virtues.

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  • Stress at work: friend or foe?

    Stress is often perceived as the cause of all our misfortunes, whether they are psychological, physical or emotional. But is this really the case?

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  • Sleep: your most important training session

    Getting a good night's sleep is essential for athletes and has a direct impact on performance. Why is sleep so important for athletes?

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  • Meditation, the art of feeling good about yourself!

    Here are a few tips on how to meditate in your stride and thus run with peace of mind! Athletes put their bodies and minds to the test.

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  • 7 tips to combat a sedentary lifestyle

    A sedentary lifestyle is not inevitable! To combat it, we share with you our 7 tips that will help you seize the opportunities to move every day.

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  • Running book: my selection

    Looking for an inspiring book that takes you on a great running, trail running or even mountaineering adventure?

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  • sport routine leg a the office

    We're here today for a special leg routine at the office!

    See article
  • training cycling

    Boogie offers you a training plan to succeed in your first 40 km by bike!

    See article

"Ok ok not bad at all"

Ask your questions, set-up a call with us or just let us know if you pour milk before cereals, we'll get back to you soon, we promise.