Our objective? Make you happier through more physical activities, better nutrition, %%ICON_MELON%% and full harmony with your social and natural environment!

By the way, what do you do at Squad to promote this responsible behaviours ?

Excellent question!

In our office, bicycles sit next to computers for less carbon, and dogs sit next to humans for a more loving life.

In our team, we use our app on a daily basis to boost the link between everyone and multiply the exchanges.

As we don't know how to do everything, and as we wanted to transform the physical activity of our users into carbon compensation, we chose PUR PROJET which restores ecosystems while allowing local communities to improve their living conditions.

Here are a few digits:

  • 15

    millions of trees planted
  • 215

    millions of trees preserved
  • 35

    thousands of commited farmers

Supported by

Our Team

Join us

"Please be serious. What are the next steps?"

We still have a lot of things to tell you. 
We can't put everything on the site. 
And then you have inevitably many questions to ask us. Demos, contracts, payments, RGPD. All that.

Hey, I'm Boogie and I work at Squadeasy.